Linear Integrated Circuits Articles:

555 Timer IC : The 555 Timer IC is most versatile linear integrated device introduced by Signetics …

Active Filters : Active Filters is a circuit that is designed to pass a specified band frequencies while attenuating all …

AM Detection : AM Detection – A PLL can be used to demodulate AM signals as shown …

Astable Multivibrator Using IC 555 : Fig. 2.105 shows the operation of Astable Multivibrator Using IC 555. …

Basic Antilog Amplifier Using Diode : Basic Antilog Amplifier Using Diode as follows The circuit diagram of basic …

Basic Log Amplifier Using Diode : The circuit diagram of basic log amplifier using a diode is …

Basic Low Voltage Regulator using IC 723 : Fig. 2.112 shows the Basic Low Voltage Regulator using …

Basic Positive High Voltage Regulator : The Basic Positive High Voltage Regulator is given by For this type, …

Butterworth Filters : The filter in which denominator polynomial of its transfer function is a Butterworth polynomial …

Closed Loop Configuration of Op amp : The utility of op-amp increases considerably if it is used …

Constant Current Limiting Circuit : A block of series regulation using simple Constant Current Limiting Circuit is …

Equivalent Circuit of Practical Op Amp : Equivalent Circuit of Practical Op Amp – The  circuit  which represents …

Filter Frequency Response : The Fig. 2.71 shows the Filter Frequency Response Characteristics for low pass filter …

Filters in Linear Integrated Circuits : The Filters in Linear Integrated Circuits can be represented in the …

First Order High Pass Butterworth Filter : As mentioned earlier, a high pass filter is a circuit …

First Order Low Pass Butterworth Filter : The first order low pass butterworth filter is realised by …

FM Detector Block Diagram : The PLL can be very easily used as an FM detector or …

Foldback Current Limiting : The disadvantage of constant current limit is relatively large power dissipation in the …

Frequency Multiplier using PLL 565 : Fig. 2.128 shows the block diagram for a frequency multiplier using …

Frequency Shift Keying Demodulator : In digital data communication, binary data is transmitted by means of …

Frequency Translation : The frequency translation means shifting the frequency of an oscillator by a small factor. …

IC 723 Voltage Regulator : The pin diagram of IC 723 Voltage Regulator along with the various …

Ideal Op Amp : The Ideal Op Amp is basically an amplifier which amplifies the difference between …

Ideal Op Amp Differentiator : The circuit which produces the differentiation of the input voltage …

Ideal Voltage Transfer Curve : Ideal Voltage Transfer Curve – The ideal op-amp produces the output proportional …

Important Definitions Related to PLL : Some important definitions related to PLL are as follows : Lock Range: When …

Important Op Amp Parameters : Two other Important Op Amp Parameters are the slew rate and the …

Instrumentation Amplifier : Instrumentation Amplifier – Many industrial systems, consumer systems and process control systems require a …

Instrumentation Amplifier using Op Amp : The commonly used Instrumentation Amplifier using Op Amp is one using …

Integrators : In an integrators circuit, the output voltage is the integration of the input voltage. The …

Introduction to Linear Integrated Circuits : Introduction to Linear Integrated Circuits – The term IC means integrated …

Inverting Amplifier : As the name suggests the output of such the input signal. The …

Low Voltage High Current Regulator : Low Voltage High Current Regulator Circuit is shown below Output voltage from …

Monolithic Phase Locked Loops IC 565 : Monolithic Phase Locked Loops IC 565 are introduced by signetics …

Monostable Multivibrator Using IC 555 : The IC 555 timer can be operated as a Monostable Multivibrator …

Negative Voltage Regulator : Connections for getting negative voltage regulator are shown in Fig. 2.116. An external …

Non Inverting Amplifier using Op Amp : An amplifier which amplifies the input without producing any phase …

Op Amp Applications : The countless simple circuits using one or more operational amplifiers, some external resistors …

Op Amp Assumptions : We can make two Op Amp Assumptions which are realistic and simplify the …

Op amp Circuits Using Diode : Consider a Op amp Circuits Using Diode as shown in the …

Open Loop Configuration of Op amp : Open Loop Configuration of Op amp – The simplest possible …

Phase Locked Loop Working : A Phase Locked Loop Working is basically a closed loop system designed …

PLL Frequency Synthesizer Block Diagram : The PLL can be used as the basis for frequency synthesizer …

Positive High Voltage High Current Regulator : Positive High Voltage High Current Regulator – For this type, …

Practical Differentiator : The noise and stability at high. frequency can be corrected, in the practical differentiator …

Practical Op Amp Characteristics : The Practical Op Amp Characteristics can be approximated closely enough, for many …

Precision Full Wave Rectifiers : The Precision Full Wave Rectifiers circuits accept an ac signal at the …

Precision Rectifiers : Precision Rectifiers Recall from basic circuit principles that a rectifier circuits can be implemented with a …

Protection Circuits in Regulators : Protection Circuits in Regulators- The series regulator using transistors has no short …

RC Phase Shift Oscillator : RC Phase Shift Oscillator basically consists of an amplifier and a feedback …

Requirements of a Good Instrumentation Amplifier : The Requirements of a Good Instrumentation Amplifier are used to …

Second Order High Pass Butterworth Filter : The second order high pass Butterworth filter produces a gain …

Second Order Low Pass Butterworth Filter : The practical response of Second Order Low Pass Butterworth Filter …

Square Wave Generator Using Op amp : The Square Wave Generator Using Op amp means the astable …

Subtractor using Op Amp or Difference Amplifier Circuit : Subtractor using Op Amp or Difference Amplifier Circuit: Similar to the summer circuit, the subtraction of …

Summing Amplifier : As the input impedance of an op-amp is extremely large, more than one input …

Summing Differentiator Circuit : Similar to the summing integrator, summing can be obtained using the basic differentiator …

Summing Integrator : Many useful circuits can be designed using the basic integrator circuit. One of such …

Triangular Wave Generator Using Op amp : We have seen that, the output of integrator is a …

Voltage Follower Op Amp : A circuit in which the output voltage follows the input voltage is called voltage …

Wien Bridge Oscillator : This is also RC oscillator which uses RC type of feedback network. The …