Block Diagram of Frequency Synthesizer using PLL:

The Block Diagram of Frequency Synthesizer using PLL that can produce a precise series of frequencies that are derived from a stable crystal controlled oscillator.

Block Diagram of Frequency Synthesizer using PLL

The Fig. 2.130 shows the Frequency Synthesizer Block Diagram. It is similar to frequency multiplier circuit except that divided by M network is added at the input of phase lock loop.

The frequency of the crystal-controlled oscillator is divided by an integer factor M by divider network to produce a frequency fosc/M, where fosc is the frequency of the crystal controlled oscillator.

The VCO frequency fVCO is similarly divided by factor N by divider network to give frequency equal to fvco/N. When the PLL is locked in on the divided-down oscillator frequency, we will have fosc/M = fvco/N, so that fvco=(N/M)fosc.

By adjusting divider counts to desired values large number of frequencies can be produced, all derived from the crystal controlled oscillator.