Difference between 80186 and 80286 Microprocessor:

The difference between 80186 and 80286 Microprocessor is given in table below

80186 microprocessor

80286 microprocessor

Intel 80186 was developed in 1982  and it is the improved version of 8086, in the sense that it has faster instruction execution time, includes a few more instructions as compared to 8086. Intel 80286 was developed in 1983 by Intel and it is the improved version of 80186, in the sense that it has faster instruction execution time, includes a few more
instructions as compared to 80186.
80186 has an operating frequency of 8 MHz to 10 MHz 80286 has an operating frequency of 8 MHz to 12.5 MHz.
80186 has no memory management capability. 80286 has memory management capability that maps 230(1GB) of virtual address.
The 80186 has 20-bit address lines and is able to access 220 = 1MB memory. The 80286 has 24-bit address lines and can able to access 224 = 16 MB memory.
80186 operates in real addressing mode 80286 operates in real mode as well as protected virtual address mode.
80186 is compatible with all existing instructions of 8086 and it has ten new instructions. 80286 is compatible with all existing instructions of 80186 and it has some new instructions
80186 is two times the performance of the standard 8086. The power consumption is less than 8086. 80286 is six times the performance of the standard 8086. The power consumption is less than 8086.
CAP is not available in the 80186 microprocessor. 80286 has a new pin CAP. An external capacitor is connected to the CAP pin for filtering the bias voltage.