Delayed Sweep Oscilloscope:

Many oscilloscopes of laboratory quality include a delayed sweep feature. Delayed Sweep Oscilloscope feature increases the versatility of the instrument by making it possible to magnify a selected portion of an undelayed sweep, measure waveform jitter or rise time, and check pulse time modulation, as well as many other applications.

Delayed sweep is a technique that adds a precise amount of time between the trigger point and the beginning of the scope sweep. When the scope is being used in the sweep mode, the start of the horizontal sweep can be delayed, typically from a few μs to perhaps 10 seconds or more. Delayed sweep operation allows the user to view a small segment of the waveform, e.g. an oscillation or ringing that occurs during a small portion of a low frequency waveform.

The most common approaches used by oscilloscope manufacturers for de­layed sweep operations are, the following.

  1. Normal triggering sweep after the desired time delay, which is set from the panel controls.
  2. A Delay Plus Trigger mode, where a visual indication, such as light, indicates that the delay time has elapsed and the sweep is ready to be triggered.
  3. Intensified sweep, where the delayed sweep acts as a positional magnifier.