Effect of Negative Feedback on Input Impedance:

High input impedance is always desirable in an amplifier as it will not load the preceding stage or the input voltage source. Such a desirable characteristic can be had with the help of negative feedback. The Effect of Negative Feedback on Input Impedance of an amplifier is explained below.

Voltage-Series Feedback:

A more detailed series feedback connection is shown in Fig. 19.13.

Effect of Negative Feedback on Input Impedance

The input impedance can be determined as follows:

The input impedance with series feedback is seen to have the value of input impedance without feedback multiplied by the factor (1 + βA) and applies to both voltage-series and current series configuration.

Voltage-Shunt Feedback:

A more detailed shunt feedback connection is depicted in Fig. 19.14.

Effect of Negative Feedback on Input Impedance

In this case,

Effect of Negative Feedback on Input Impedance

and input impedance,

So, the input impedance with voltage shunt feedback is reduced by the factor (1 + βA).

Current-Shunt Feedback:

From Fig. 19.10(d)

Effect of Negative Feedback on Input Impedance

and input impedance,

Effect of Negative Feedback on Input Impedance

So, the input impedance with current shunt feedback is reduced by the factor (1 + βA).