Apparatus Protection in Power System Articles:

Bus Zone Protection : Bus Zone Protection includes, besides the bus itself the apparatus such as circuit breakers, disconnecting switches, Apparatus Protection in Power System …

Differential Protection of Transformers : Differential Protection of Transformers is the most important type of protection used for internal phase-to-phase and phase-to-earth …

Direct Connected Generator Protection : Direct connected generators are normally of smaller ratings and a typical scheme of Direct Connected Generator Protection …

Gas Actuated Relays : Gas Actuated Relays – When a fault occurs inside the transformer tank gas is usually generated, slowly for …

Generator Faults : Generator faults can be considered under the following heads. (a) Stator Faults: These include the following: Phase-to-earth faults. Phase-to-phase faults. Inter-turn faults. Most faults occur …

Inrush Currents in Transformer : Magnetizing Inrush Currents in Transformer contain pronounced harmonics but the current during internal fault conditions is sinusoidal. …

Loss of Excitation Protection : Two distinct effects of Loss of Excitation Protection are that the machine starts drawing magnetizing current of …

Motor Protection : Motor Protection – There is a wide range of motors in existence for various purposes. However, the fundamental problems …

Overload Protection Relay : Overload Protection Relay – Continuous balanced overloading of a machine causes overheating in the stator winding. An obvious …

Percentage Biased Differential Relay : Percentage Biased Differential Relay – In order to avoid undesirable operation on heavy external faults due to …

Prime Mover Protection : In the event of prime-mover failure the machine starts motoring meaning thereby that it draws electrical power from …

Restricted Earth Fault Protection : This type of Restricted Earth Fault Protection is provided to detect earth-faults within the protected zone of …

Rotor Protection : Rotor Protection – As pointed earlier rotor windings may be damaged by earth faults or open circuits. Figure (6.16) …

Star Winding and Delta Winding : Star Winding and Delta Winding – The magnitude of earth-fault current for a given fault position …

Stator Protection : Stator Protection – The type of stator faults likely to occur have been discussed already. The earth-fault current is …

Transformer Feeder Protection : Transformer Feeder Protection – In order to supply bulk power from a major switching station, the transformer is …

Transformer Protection Types : Nature of Transformer Faults: Power transformers, being static, totally enclosed and oil immersed develop faults only rarely but …

Unbalanced Loading Protection of Generator : Unbalanced Loading Protection of Generator – Whatever be the cause of the unbalance it is obvious …

Fundamentals of Power System Protection