Bus Interface in Microprocessor

Bus Interface in Microprocessor: Bus Interface in Microprocessor - A microcomputer consists of a set of components such as CPU, memory, I/O device and these components communicate with each other…

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8255A Programmable Peripheral Interface

8255A Programmable Peripheral Interface: 8255 is a programmable peripheral interface IC and is a multiport input/output device. This is a general-purpose programmable I/O device, which may be used with many…

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8288 Bus Controller

8288 Bus Controller: Figure 5.37 shows the 8288 bus controller which is used in the maximum-mode operation of 8086 CPU. This IC receives four inputs such as SÌ…2, SÌ…1, SÌ…0 status…

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RS 232 Interface Modem

RS 232 Interface Modem: In the United States, a standard interconnection between business machine and modem is supplied by the RS 232 Interface Modem. RS 232 Interface Modem has been…

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IEEE 488 Bus Block Diagram

IEEE 488 Bus Block Diagram: The purpose of IEEE 488 BUS is to provide digital interfacing between program­mable instruments. There are many instrumentation systems in which interac­tive instruments, under the…

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80287 Numeric Data Processor

80287 Numeric Data Processor: The 80287 Numeric Data Processor is an advanced version of its predecessor, the 8087, and it is specially designed to operate with the processor 80286. The…

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8087 Numeric Data Processor

8087 Numeric Data Processor: The 8087 Numeric Data Processor (NDP) is called a high-speed math co-processor. This math co-processor is also known as Numeric Processor Extension (NPX) or Numeric Data…

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