Control Signals of 8085
Control Signals of 8085: The 8085 Microprocessor provides RD and WR signals to initiate read or write cycle. Because these Control Signals of 8085 are used both for reading/writing memory…
Control Signals of 8085: The 8085 Microprocessor provides RD and WR signals to initiate read or write cycle. Because these Control Signals of 8085 are used both for reading/writing memory…
Power on Reset Circuit in 8051: On reset, the PC sets to 0000H which causes the 8085 to execute the first instruction from address 0000H. For proper reset operation reset…
8279 Keyboard Display Controller Interfacing with 8085: Fig. 14.98 shows the 8279 Keyboard Display Controller Interfacing with 8085 in I/O mapped I/O technique. Here RD and WR signals are activated…
Interfacing 8259 with 8085: Fig. 14.72 shows Interfacing 8259 with 8085 microprocessor system. Addressing of 8259A : The 74LS138 address decoder will assert the CS input of the 8259A when…
Interfacing of 8257 with 8085: Fig. 14.68 shows the interfacing of 8257 with 8085 in I/O mapped I/O technique. In slave mode, RD and WR signals are activated by CPU…
Interfacing 8251 with 8085: Fig. 14.44 shows the Interfacing 8251 with 8085 in I/O mapped I/O technique. Here, RD and WR signals are activated by CPU when IO/M signal is…
8085 Interrupts in Microprocessor Articles: Polling and Interrupts: In Polling and Interrupts of the microprocessor’s software simply checks each of the I/O devices every so often. During this check, the…
Types of Interrupts in 8085: The 8085 has multilevel interrupt system. It supports two Types of Interrupts in 8085: Hardware    Software Hardware : Some pins on the 8085 allow, peripheral…