Elements of Network Analysis and Synthesis Articles:
Elements of Network Synthesis: For any network, three things are associated with it. These are network elements, input i.e. excitation to the network and output i.e. response from the network. In the network analysis, the network elements … (Read More)
Realisability of One Port Network: Consider the network function H(s) which is the ratio of Laplace transform of the output R(s) to the Laplace transform of the excitation E(s). In the synthesis, we are going to … (Read More)
Hurwitz Polynomial: For a polynomial P(s) to be a Hurwitz polynomial, it has to satisfy following basic properties, The polynomial P(s) is real when āsā is real. The roots of the polynomial P(s) have real parts which are either zero or negative. In addition … (Read More)
Positive Real Function: Let us study another class of functions called positive real functions. The significance of positive real functions is that if the driving point immitance (i.e. admittance or impedance) is a positive real function then only it is physically … (Read More)
Driving Point Immittance Function: The immitance function must be positive real function so that its synthesis can be done to obtain an electrical network, using passive elements. We have discussed the tests to confirm the positive realness of a given function. … (Read More)
LC Immittance Function: The LC Immittance Function can be LC impedance functions denoted as ZLC(s) or LC admittance functions denoted as YLC(s). A LC network does not contain power dissipative components i.e. resistances and only consists of reactive elements L and C … (Read More)
RC Driving Point Impedance function: As the name indicates, the RC networks consist of only R and C components. There is no inductor in RC networks. The RC Driving Point Impedance function is denoted as ZRC(s). The properties of RC Driving … (Read More)
RL Driving Point Impedance: The RL networks consist of only R and L components. There is no capacitor present in such networks. The RL Driving Point Impedance of such networks is denoted as ZRL(s). The properties of driving point impedance function … (Read More)
Elements of Transfer Function Synthesis: A transfer function is generally defined to specify the properties of a two port network. Hence Elements of Transfer Function Synthesis is also known as two port synthesis. Consider a two port network as shown in the … (Read More)
Transmission Zero: The Transmission Zero functions describe the transmission of signal from one end to other end. The Fig. 7.28 shows the transfer of signal from one network to other through a capacitor C. There is a transmission through the capacitor producing … (Read More)