Feeder Protection Relay Articles:

Application of 3 Phase System : In a Application of 3 Phase System, a wide variety of faults can occur, i.e. phase to phase, phase to earth, …

Carrier Pilot Protection : The problem of providing economically an auxiliary channel by means of pilots for long lines directed attention to carrier …

Current and Voltage Connection in Distance Relay : It is essential for the distance relay to measure the same distance between the fault and the relay under …

Directional Earth Fault Relay : In the case of Directional Earth Fault Relay the angular relationship of residual current and residual voltage is independent of the faulted …

Distance Protection by Reactance Relays : Like impedance relays, Distance Protection by Reactance Relays are also amplitude comparators and thus require an additional directional unit. Although the …

Distance Protection Impedance Relay : Distance Protection Impedance Relay – It has already been pointed out that the impedance is directly proportional to the length of the …

Fault Resistance Calculation : Fault Resistance Calculation consists of two components, the resistance of the are and the resistance of earth. The second component is present only …

Overcurrent Earth Fault Protection : Overcurrent Earth Fault Protection – Earth-fault protection can be provided with normal overcurrent relays, if the minimum earth-fault current is sufficient in …

Overcurrent Protection of Feeders : Overcurrent relays offer the cheapest and the simplest protection for lines. The maximum load currents must be known to determine whether the …

Phase Comparison Carrier Protection : The phase comparison pilot-relaying operates on the principle of comparing the phase position of the currents at the two ends of the …

Pilot Wire Protection Relay : In this case the auxiliary Pilot Wire Protection Relay are provided to carry the information signals from one end to the other. …

Power Swings in Power System Protection : The impedance measured or seen by a distance relay during normal load is shown in Fig. (5.29). Normally this would …

Principle of Distance Relaying : The Principle of Distance Relaying is governed by the ratio of voltage to current at the relay location and the operating time …

Reach of Distance Relay : A distance relay is set to operate up to a particular value of impedance; for an impedance greater than this set value …

Scheme of Distance Protection : In developing an overall Scheme of Distance Protection, it is necessary to provide a number of relays to obtain the required discrimination. …

Selection of Distance Relay : The factors to be considered for the Selection of Distance Relay scheme can be enumerated as follows: Speed of operation. Measuring relay characteristics. Fault coverage. Economic …

Time Grading of Distance Relay : Two methods of Time Grading of Distance Relay are shown in Fig. (5.18). First Method is the distance time method at …

Types of Feeder Protection Relay : A composite transmission system may use one or more of the following types of Feeder Protection Relay. Overcurrent Protection: This is of …