Power System Security Analysis
Power System Security Analysis: Power System Security Analysis can be broken down into two major functions that are carried out in an operations control centre: Security assessment, and Security control.…
Power System Security Analysis: Power System Security Analysis can be broken down into two major functions that are carried out in an operations control centre: Security assessment, and Security control.…
Factors Affecting Transient Stability: Factors Affecting Transient Stability - The two-machine system can be equivalently reduced to a single machine connected to infinite bus bar. The qualitative conclusions regarding system…
Methods of Voltage Control in Transmission Lines: Practically each equipment used in power system are rated for a certain voltage with a permissible band of voltage variations. Voltage at various…
Per Unit System in Power System: Per Unit System in power system is usual to express voltage, current, voltamperes and impedance of an electrical circuit in per unit (or percentage)…
Balanced Three Phase Circuit: The solution of a balanced three phase circuit is easily carried out by solving the single-phase network corresponding to the reference phase. Figure 4.1 shows a…
What is Power Transistor? | Definition | Working | Applications: What is Power Transistor? - Power Transistors are now available in ratings suitable for motor control. This device is a…
IC 723 Voltage Regulator: The popular general purpose precision regulator is IC 723. It is a monolithic linear integrated circuit in different physical packages. The pin diagram of IC 723…
Practical Differentiator: The noise and stability at high frequency can be corrected, in the practical differentiator circuit using the resistance R1 in series with C1 and the capacitor Cf in…