Introduction to Modern Power System Articles:

Cogeneration Power Plant : Considering the tremendous amount of waste heat generated in thermal power generation, it is advisable to save fuel …

Deregulation Meaning : For over one hundred years, the electric power industry worldwide operated as a regulated industry. In any area there …

Distributed and Dispersed Generation : Distributed Generation (DG) using many small generators of 2-50 MW output, installed at various strategic points throughout …

Diversity Factor : Diversity Factor This is defined as the sum of individual maximum demands on the consumers, divided by the maximum …

Electromagnetic Radiation from Overhead Lines : Biological effects of electromagnetic radiation from power lines and even cables in close proximity of buildings …

Energy Conservation Methods : Energy Conservation Methods is the cheapest new source of energy. We should resort to various conservation measures such …

Energy Storage Materials : There is a lot of problem in storing electricity in large quantities. Energy Storage Materials which can be …

Environmental Aspects Of Generation of Electrical Energy : Conversion of one form of energy or another to electrical form has unwanted side …

Fusion Technology in Energy : Fusion Technology in Energy is produced in this process by the combination of two light nuclei to form …

Gas Turbine Power Plant : With increasing availability of natural gas (methane) (recent finds in Bangladesh) prime movers based on Gas Turbine …

Hydroelectric Power Generation : The oldest and cheapest method of Hydroelectric Power Generation is that of utilizing the potential energy of water. …

Introduction to Modern Power System Planning : In Modern Power System Planning, electric energy is an essential ingredient for the industrial and …

Load Forecasting Techniques : As power plant planning and construction require a gestation period of four to eight years or even longer …

Magnetohydrodynamic power generation : In thermal generation of electric energy, the heat released by the fuel is converted to rotational mechanical energy …

Nuclear Power Plant Diagram : Nuclear Power Plant Diagram – With the end of coal reserves in sight in the not too …

Power Systems Engineering : The Power Systems Engineering of the first decade of the twenty-first century has to face a variety of …

Power Systems Growth : Power Systems Growth – India is fairly rich in natural resources like coal and lignite; while some oil …

Problems facing Power Industry in India : The electricity requirements of Power Industry in India have grown tremendously and the demand has …

Structure Of Power Systems : Structure Of Power Systems – Generating stations, transmission lines and the distribution systems are the main components …

Thermal Power Station : The heat released during the combustion of coal, oil or gas is used in a boiler …

Types of Renewable Energy : To protect environment and for sustainable development, the importance of Types of Renewable Energy cannot be overemphasized. …

Uses of Computer and Microprocessors : The first methos for solving various power system problems were AC and DC network analysers developed …