Twelve pulse converter

Twelve pulse converter: It is clear from the preceding discussion that increasing the pulse number to six greatly improves the performance of the converter. The ac line current has only…

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Converters for Electric Motors Articles

Converters for Electric Motors Articles: Electric Converter: The speed of a dc motor can be varied by varying the armature voltage or the field current, for which a variable dc…

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Phase Controlled Line Commutated Converters

Phase Controlled Line Commutated Converters: In these Phase Controlled Line Commutated Converters, the commutation voltage, i.e. the voltage required to transfer current from one thyristor to the other, is provided…

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Electric Drives Articles

Electric Drives Articles: This Electric Drives Articles which includes the following topics: A Simple Electric Motor Characteristics of DC Motor Speed Torque Characteristic of Separately Excited DC Motor Speed Torque…

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Self Controlled Synchronous Motor Drive

Self Controlled Synchronous Motor Drive: A Self Controlled Synchronous Motor Drive employing a load commutated thyristor inverter is shown in Fig. 7.10. In large power drives wound field synchronous motor…

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Turbocompressors: The turbocompressors and blowers in the industry require drives rated up to 40 MW. Drives of large rating are also required in steel industry blast furnace blowers in natural…

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Harmonic Reduction

Harmonic Reduction: The output voltage waveform of an inverter is non-sinusoidal. It contains a rich harmonic content. The Harmonic Reduction cause additional losses and torque pulsations if a three phase…

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