Coupled Circuits Definition
Coupled Circuits Definition: Two circuits are said to be 'coupled' when energy transfer takes place from one circuit to the other when one of the circuits is energized. There are…
Coupled Circuits Definition: Two circuits are said to be 'coupled' when energy transfer takes place from one circuit to the other when one of the circuits is energized. There are…
Power Measurement in Single Phase Circuit by Wattmeter: Wattmeters are generally used to measure power in the circuits. A wattmeter principally consists of two coils, one coil is called the…
Parallel RLC Circuit Resonance: Parallel RLC Circuit Resonance - Basically, parallel resonance occurs when XCÂ = XL. The frequency at which resonance occurs is called the resonant frequency. When XC =…
Direct Testing of Circuit Breaker: The Direct Testing of Circuit Breaker in a plant enables us to test under conditions largely representing those in actual network as well as tests…
Circuit Breaker Analyzer: Short Circuit Generator: This is of a special design having very low reactance in order to give the maximum short-circuit output of the Circuit Breaker Analyzer. The…
DC Circuit Breaker: Light duty DC Circuit Breaker have been in use since long. However, with the latest developments in HVDC transmission there would naturally be the necessity of the…
Air Break Circuit Breaker: The arc interruption process of Air Break Circuit Breaker is based on the natural deionization of gases by a cooling action. The arc is resilient and…
Hall Effect Relay Circuit: Hall Effect Relay Circuit is utilized to give a phase comparator. The effect is very predominant in certain semiconductors such as indium arsenide, indium antimonide, indium…