Introduction to Generating Station:

Introduction to Generating Station – In this modern world, the dependence on electricity is so much that it has become a part and parcel of our life. The ever increasing use of electric power for domestic, commercial and industrial purposes necessitates to provide bulk electric power economically. This is achieved with the help of suitable power producing units, known as Power plants or Electric power generating stations. The design of a power plant should incorporate two important aspects. Firstly, the selection and placing of necessary power-generating equipment should be such so that a maximum of return will result from a minimum of expenditure over the working life of the plant. Secondly, the operation of the plant should be such so as to provide cheap, reliable and continuous service. In this chapter, we shall focus our attention on various types of generating stations with special reference to their advantages and disadvantages.

Generating Stations

Bulk electric power is produced by special plants known as generating stations or power plants.

A generating station essentially employs a prime mover coupled to an alternator for the production of electric power. The prime mover (e.g., steam turbine, water turbine etc.) converts energy from some other form into mechanical energy. The alternator converts mechanical energy of the prime mover into electrical energy. The electrical energy produced by the generating station is transmitted and distributed with the help of conductors to various consumers. It may be emphasized here that apart from prime mover-alternator combination, a modern generating station employs several auxiliary equipment and instruments to ensure cheap, reliable and continuous service.

Depending upon the form of energy converted into electrical energy, the generating stations are classified as under :

  1. Steam power stations
  2. Hydroelectric power stations
  3. Diesel power stations
  4. Nuclear power stations

Steam Power Station (Thermal Station)

A generating station which converts heat energy of coal combustion into electrical energy is known as a steam power station.

A steam power station basically works on the Rankine cycle. Steam is produced in the boiler by utilising the heat of coal combustion. The steam is then expanded in the prime mover (i.e., steam turbine) and is condensed in a condenser to be fed into the boiler again. The steam turbine drives the alternator which converts mechanical energy of the turbine into electrical energy. This type of power station is suitable where coal and water are available in abundance and a large amount of electric power is to be generated.


  • The fuel (i.e., coal) used is quite cheap.
  • Less initial cost as compared to other generating stations.
  • It can be installed at any place irrespective of the existence of coal. The coal can be trans­ported to the site of the plant by rail or road.
  • It requires less space as compared to the hydroelectric power station.
  • The cost of generation is lesser than that of the diesel power station.


  • It pollutes the atmosphere due to the production of large amount of smoke and fumes.
  • It is costlier in running cost as compared to hydroelectric plant.