Fluid Properties Articles:
Classification of Fluids : Classification of Fluids are as follows. Ideal fluids and Real or Practical fluids. Newtonian fluids and Non-Newtonian fluids. 1 .Ideal Fluids: Ideal fluids are having following properties. It is incompressible. It has zero viscosity. Shear force is zero when the fluid is in motion i.e. No resistance is offered to the motion of any fluid particles. 2. Real or Practical Fluids: (i) It is compressible. (ii) They are viscous in nature. (iii)Some resistance is always offered by the fluid …
Define Capillarity : Define Capillarity is a phenomenon of rise or fall of liquid surface relative to the adjacent general level of liquid. This phenomenon is due to the combined effect of cohesion and adhesion of liquid particle. The rise of liquid level is known as Capillary Rise whereas the fall of liquid surface is known as Capillary Depression. It is expressed in terms of cm or mm of liquid. The magnitude of …
Properties of Fluid in Fluid Mechanics : The following properties of fluids are of general importance to the study of fluid mechanics. Mass density (ρ) Specific Volume (v) Specific weight (w) Specific gravity (S) 1. Mass density (ρ): Mass density or Density is defined as the mass per unit volume i.e., mass of the fluid contained in 1m3 volume. It is denoted by a Greek symbol ρ (rho). Its unit is kg/m3. Density decreases with increase in temperature and …
Surface Tension : Surface Tension – Due to molecular attraction, liquids have properties of cohesion and adhesion. Cohesion is due to the force of attraction between molecules of same liquid. Otherwise,the intermolecular attraction holds the liquid molecules together is known as cohesion. This force is very small. It enables the liquid to withstand a small tensile stress. Surface tension is due to cohesion between particles at the free surface. Adhesion is defined as the …
Types of Unit System : All physical quantities are measured in certain units. There are two Types of Unit System, namely: Fundamental units Derived units Fundamental Units: All the physical quantities arc expressed of the following three fundamental Types of Unit System: Length (L) Mass (M) Time (T) Derived Units: Some units called derived units are expressed in terms of fundamental units, such as units of area velocity, acceleration, pressure etc. System of units: The following are the four Types of Unit …
Viscosity Unit : Viscosity Unit is the property of a fluid which determines the amount of resistance to a shearing stress. A real fluid has no viscosity but it is nonexistent. Viscosity can also be defined as the property of a fluid due to which it offers resistance to the movement of one layer of fluid over another adjacent layer. Viscosity increases with increase in temperature in case of gases whereas it decreases in case of liquid. Consider, …