Inductance and Resistance Articles:

Bundled Conductors in EHV Transmission Lines : It is economical to transmit large chunks of power over long distances by employing EHV lines. However, the line voltages that can be used are severely limited by the phenomenon of corona. Corona, in fact, …

Double Circuit Three Phase Line : It is common practice to build Double Circuit Three Phase Line so as to increase transmission reliability at somewhat enhanced cost. From the point of view of power transfer from one end of the line to …

Flux Linkage of one conductor in a Group : As shown in Fig. 2.5, consider a group of n parallel round conductors carrying phasor currents I1, I2 ,…, In whose sum equals zero. Distances of these conductors from a remote point P …

Flux Linkages of an Isolated Current Carrying Conductor : Transmission lines are composed of parallel conductors which, for all practical purposes, can be considered as infinitely long. Let us first develop expressions for flux linkages of a long isolated Current Carrying Conductor …

Inductance Definition : Inductance Definition of a Voltage induced in a circuit is given by where ψ represents the flux linkages of the circuit in weber-turns (Wb-T). This can be written in the form where L=dψ/di is the Inductance Definition of the circuit in …

Inductance of a Single Phase Two Wire Line : Consider a simple Single Phase Two Wire Line composed of solid round conductors carrying currents I1 and 12 as shown in Fig. 2.3. In a Single Phase Two Wire Line, It is important to …

Inductance of Composite Conductor Lines : Inductance of Composite Conductor Lines – We are now ready to study the inductance of transmission lines composed of composite conductors. Future 2.6 shows such a single-phase line comprising composite conductors A and B with A …

Inductance of Three Phase Lines : The basic equations developed can, however, be easily adapted to the calculation of the Inductance of Three Phase Lines. Figure 2.10 shows the conductors of a three-phase line with unsymmetrical spacing. Assume that there is no neutral …

Line Resistance : Though the contribution of line resistance to series line impedance can be neglected in most cases, it is the main source of line power loss. Thus while considering transmission line economy, the presence of line resistance must be considered. The …

Skin Effect and Proximity Effect : The distribution of current throughout the cross-section of a conductor is uniform only when DC is passing through it. On the contrary when AC is flowing through a conductor, the current is non-uniformly distributed over the …

Types of Conductor : So far we have considered transmission lines consisting of single solid cylindrical conductors for forward and return paths. To provide the necessary flexibility for stringing, Different Types of Conductor used in practice are always stranded except for very …