Power and Power Factor Articles

Power and Power Factor Articles: Instantaneous Power Formula: Instantaneous Power Formula – In a purely resistive circuit, all the energy delivered by the source is dissipated in the form of…

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Leading Power Factor Load

Leading Power Factor Load: Suppose the load in Fig. 9.46(a) is capacitive, the wattmeter connected in the leading phase would read less value. In that case, WR will be the…

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Power Factor by Two Wattmeter Method

Power Factor by Two Wattmeter Method: When we talk about the power factor in three-phase circuits, it applies only to balanced circuits, since the power factor in a balanced load…

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Power Factor Improvement Methods

Power Factor Improvement Methods: There are many drives which operate at a low power factor. Some of Power Factor Improvement Methods are: An induction motor direct on line. ac-dc diode…

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Power Factor Improvement Articles

Power Factor Improvement Articles: Power Factor: The electrical energy is almost exclusively generated, transmitted and distributed in the form of alternating current. Therefore, the question of power factor immediately comes…

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Power Factor Correction Circuit

Power Factor Correction Circuit: To calculate Power Factor Correction Circuit, Consider an inductive load taking a lagging current I at a power factor cos Φ1. To develop Power Factor Improvement…

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