Instruction Set and Programming 8085 Articles:

8085 Instruction Set : The 8085 instruction set can be categorised into five different groups based on the nature of functions the instruction carry out Data Transfer Group Arithmetic Group Logic Group Branch Group Stack, Input/Output, and Machine Control Group. The following section explains all the instructions in each group, The notations used in the 8085 Instruction Set are : Notation and Meaning M : Memory location pointed by HL register pair r : 8-bit register rp : 16-bit register pair TS : Source register rd : Destination register addr : 16-bit address/8-bit address 1.Data Transfer …

8085 Programming : A program is a set of instructions arranged in the specific sequence to do the specific task. It tells the microprocessor what it has to do. The process of writing the set of instructions which tells the microprocessor what to do is called “Programming“. In other words, we can say that 8085 Programming is the process of telling the processor exactly how to solve a problem. To do this, the programmer must “speak” to the processor in a language …

Debugging a Program in 8085 : A Debugging a Program in 8085 which allows you to load your object code program into system memory, execute the program, and debug it. How does a debugger help in Debugging a Program in 8085 ? 1.The debugger allows you to check at the contents of registers and memory locations when the program execution is in process. 2.It allows you to change the contents of registers and memory locations and reexecute the program. 3.Some debuggers allow you to stop execution …

Executing Assembly Language Program : Let us define a program statement as ‘write an Executing Assembly Language Program to add two numbers’. The three tasks are involved in this program : Load two hex numbers Add numbers and Store the result in the memory These tasks can be symbolically presented as flow chart, as shown in the Fig. 3.6. Assembly Language Program to Machine Language Program: Once the assembly language program is ready, it is necessary to convert it in the machine language program. It is possible to …

Programming Techniques using 8085 : We have seen the instruction set of 8085 and some simple assembly language programs using it. We know that, the program is an implementation of certain logic by executing group of instructions. To implement program logic we need to take help of some common Programming Techniques using 8085 such as looping, counting, indexing and code conversion. In this section, we are going to study how to implement these Programming Techniques using 8085 assembly language and some programming examples …