Variable Reluctance Stepper Motor

Variable Reluctance Stepper Motor: Variable reluctance stepper motor can be of single-stack or multi-stack type. Single Stack Variable Reluctance Motor: A variable reluctance stepper motor has salient pole (or tooth)…

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Switched Reluctance Motor

Switched Reluctance Motor: The switched reluctance motor (SRM) has both salient pole stator and rotor, like variable stepper motor, but they are designed for different applications, and therefore, with different…

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Drive Circuits for Stepper Motor

Drive Circuits for Stepper Motor: A Drive Circuits for Stepper Motor is usually driven from a low voltage dc source. When a phase is to be energised, the dc source…

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Advantage and Disadvantage of Stepper Motors

Advantage and Disadvantage of Stepper Motors: Advantage and Disadvantage of Stepper Motors are as follows; Advantages They are compatible with digital systems and do not require digital to analog conversion…

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Fractional Kilowatt Motors Articles

Fractional Kilowatt Motors Articles: Single Phase Induction Motor: A Single Phase Induction Motor comprises a single-phase distributed winding on the stator and normal squirrel-cage rotor as shown schematically in Fig.…

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Stepper Motor Classification

Stepper Motor Classification: The Stepper Motor Classification based on the construction and principle of operation. These are Variable reluctance motors Permanent magnet motors Hybrid stepping motors Claw pole motors with…

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