Types of Unit System
Types of Unit System: All physical quantities are measured in certain units. There are two Types of Unit System, namely: Fundamental units Derived units Fundamental Units: All the physical quantities…
Types of Unit System: All physical quantities are measured in certain units. There are two Types of Unit System, namely: Fundamental units Derived units Fundamental Units: All the physical quantities…
Per Unit System in Power System: Per Unit System in power system is usual to express voltage, current, voltamperes and impedance of an electrical circuit in per unit (or percentage)…
Per Unit System: While carrying out the analysis of electrical machines (or electrical machine systems), it is usual to express voltage, current, VA and impedance in Per Unit System (or…
DC Excitation System Working Principle: In dc excitation system, the system has two exciters—the main exciter (a separately excited dc generator providing the field current to the alternator) and a…
Discrete Time Signals and Linear Systems Interview Questions and Answers: 1. What do you understand by the terms: signal and signal processing? Ans. Signal: A signal is defined as any…
Basic Requirements of Protection System: Protection system is an extremely important part of the power system as it is provided to operate under abnormal conditions to prevent failure or isolate…
Effects of Short Circuit Faults on Power System: Depending upon power circuit voltage and configuration, method of neutral connection, presence of regulating devices and the speed of disconnection of the…
Different Groups of Systems of Electric Traction: As already mentioned, systems of electric traction may be divided into two main groups. (1) The group consisting of vehicles which receive electric…