Starting of Electric Drives
Starting of Electric Drives: The most important processes associated with controlled electric drives are (i) starting, (ii) speed control (iii) braking, (iv) reversal of direction of rotation. All these are…
Starting of Electric Drives: The most important processes associated with controlled electric drives are (i) starting, (ii) speed control (iii) braking, (iv) reversal of direction of rotation. All these are…
Electrical Power Engineering Articles: This Electrical Power Engineering Articles which includes the following topics: Â Refrigeration Cycle Diagram Explain Vapour Compression Refrigeration System Explain Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System Thermoelectric Refrigeration…
Electrical Braking of Polyphase Induction Motors: Electrical Braking of Polyphase Induction Motors which consists of different types, namely, Plugging (or Counter-Current Braking) Dynamic (or Rheostatic) Braking Regenerative Braking 1. Plugging…
Nature of Electric Supply: The nature of electric supply available may be 3-phase ac, single-phase ac or dc. In case three-phase ac supply is available, polyphase induction motor, squirrel cage…
Factors Governing Selection of Electric Motors: Parallel to the growth of machine tools, an equally rapid progress has been made in the field of electric motors. The electric motors of…
Starting and Speed Control of DC Traction Motors: Starting and Speed Control of DC Traction Motors - As already discussed, only series and compound dc motors are suitable for traction…
Electrical Power Engineering Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs) Part 12: 552. The electric motor used for traction work should be mechanically (a) small in overall dimensions (specially in its…
Electrical Power Engineering Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs) Part 3: 102. The most suitable motor for a steel mill requiring a motor having high starting torque, wide speed range…