Magnetic Leakage and Fringing

Magnetic Leakage and Fringing: Magnetic Leakage and Fringing - Figure 10.28 shows a magnetized iron ring with a narrow air gap, and the flux which crosses the gap can be…

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Types of Electromagnetic Relays

Types of Electromagnetic Relays: There are two principal Types of Electromagnetic Relays: Attracted armature type; and Induction type. (a) Attracted Armature Type: This includes plunger, hinged armature, balanced beam and…

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Magnetic Circuit Problems

Magnetic Circuit Problems: 2.1 A square loop of side 2d is placed with two of its sides parallel to an infinitely long conductor carrying current I. The centre line of…

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Magnetic Type Potential Transformer

Magnetic Type Potential Transformer: Magnetic Type Potential Transformer are the oldest devices for a.c, measurements. They are simple in construction and can be designed for any voltage. For very high…

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Magnetically Induced Emf and Force

Magnetically Induced Emf and Force: Magnetically Induced Emf and Force - Faraday's law of induction, which is the integral form of the fourth Maxwell's equation, is given as The integrated…

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Magnetic Circuit Calculations

Magnetic Circuit Calculations: Normally magnetic circuit calculations involve two types of problems. In the first type of problem it is required to determine the excitation (mmf) needed to establish a…

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Magnetic Field Equation

Magnetic Field Equation: The exact description of the Magnetic Field Equation Basics is given by the Maxwell's equations and the constitutive relationship of the medium in which the field is…

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