Lens Antenna

Lens Antenna Design: The paraboloid reflector is one example of how optical principles may be applied to microwave lens antenna, and the Lens Antenna is yet another. It is used…

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Antennas in Electronic Communication Articles

Antennas in Electronic Communication Articles: Antenna Definition: The Antenna Definition is a quick review of impedance matching (basic transformer theory) and resonant circuits. It was pointed out that maximum power…

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Horn Antenna Design

Horn Antenna Design: Horn Antenna Design - As we know, a waveguide is capable of radiating energy into open space if it is suitably excited at one end and open…

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Parabolic Antenna

Parabolic Antenna: The Parabolic Antenna is a plane curve, defined as the locus of a point which moves so that its distance from another point (called the focus) plus its…

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Directional High Frequency Antenna

Directional High Frequency Antenna: Directional High Frequency Antenna are likely to differ from lower-frequency ones for two reasons. These are the HF transmission/reception requirements and the ability to meet them.…

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Electronic Communication Articles

Electronic Communication Articles: This Electronic Communication Articles which includes the following topics: Principles of Communication Systems Need of Modulation in Communication System Bandwidth Requirement in Communication System External Noise in…

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Monochrome Television Transmitter

Monochrome Television Transmitter: As shown in the block diagram of Figure 17-2, a Monochrome Television Transmitter system is quite unlike any of the transmission systems studied previously. This section will…

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Introduction to Television

Introduction to Television: Introduction to Television tells first thing of seeing at a distance. To be successful, a television system may be required to reproduce faithfully: The shape of each…

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