Direct Coupled Inverting Amplifier

Direct Coupled Inverting Amplifier: The circuit in Fig. 14-18 is termed an Direct Coupled Inverting Amplifier because, with Vi applied via R1 to the inverting input terminal, the output goes negative when…

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Non Inverting Amplifier Theory

Non Inverting Amplifier Theory: Direct-Coupled Noninverting Amplifier - The Non Inverting Amplifier Theory circuit in Fig. 14-14 behaves similarly to a voltage follower circuit with one major difference. Instead of…

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Closed Loop Gain of Non Inverting Amplifier

Closed Loop Gain of Non Inverting Amplifier: The circuit shown in Fig. 14.7 is commonly known as a Non-Inverting amplifier with feedback (or closed loop Gain Non-inverting amplifier), because it…

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Inverting Amplifier using Op Amp

Inverting Amplifier using Op Amp: Inverting Amplifier using Op Amp - As the name suggests the output of such an amplifier is inverted as compared to the input signal. The…

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Non Inverting Operational Amplifier

Non Inverting Operational Amplifier: An amplifier which amplifies the input without producing any phase shift between input and output is called Noninverting Amplifier. The basic circuit diagram of a Non…

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Differential Amplifier Interview Questions and Answers

Differential Amplifier Interview Questions and Answers: 1. What is differential amplifier? Ans. An amplifier, which is designed to amplify the difference between two input signals is called the differential amplifier. The…

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Operational Amplifiers Interview Questions and Answers

Operational Amplifiers Interview Questions and Answers: 1. What is an op-amp? Ans. The name operational amplifier stems from its original use for mathematical operations (such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, differentiation and…

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Summing, Scaling and Averaging Amplifier

Summing, Scaling and Averaging Amplifier: The most useful of the op-amp circuits employed in analog computers is the summing amplifier circuit. This circuit can be used to add ac or…

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