
Autotransformer | Definition | Use of Auto transformer: So far two-winding transformers have been discussed wherein the windings are electrically isolated. When the primary and secondary windings are electrically connected…

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Hartley Oscillator using Transistor Analysis

Hartley Oscillator using Transistor Analysis: The transistor Hartley oscillator is as popular as Colpitt's oscillator and is widely used as a local oscillator in radio receivers. The circuit arrangement is…

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Electrical Drive Systems

Electrical Drive Systems: Each Electrical Drive Systems is different from other Electrical Drive Systems. However, there are some common features associated with all Electrical Drive Systems. To understand them it…

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Transformers Articles

Transformers Articles: How does a Transformer Work and Purpose of Transformer: How does a Transformer Work – A Transformer Circuit is a static device comprising coils coupled through a magnetic…

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Generation of Switching Surges

Generation of Switching Surges: Nowadays in extra high voltage transmission lines and power systems, switching surges is an important factor that affects the design of insulation. All transmission lines rated…

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Types of Electrical Drives

Types of Electrical Drives: Types of Electrical Drives has the following major parts: load, motor, power modulator, control unit and source. There are large number of loads and each load…

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Starting Methods of Induction Motor

Starting Methods of Induction Motor: Starting Methods of Induction Motor - At the time of starting the motor slip being unity, the load resistance with reference to the approximate circuit…

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Electrical Machines Articles

Electrical Machines Articles: This Electrical Machines Articles which includes the following topics: Electric Generator Diagram Types of Rotating Electric Machine Recent Trends in Electric Machines Magnetic Field Equation BH Curve…

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