Electrical Energy Definition

Electrical Energy Definition: Electrical Energy Definition states that energy is the basic necessity for the economic development of a country. Many functions necessary to present-day living grind to halt when…

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Electrical and Electronics Engineering Articles

Electrical and Electronics Engineering Articles: This Electrical and Electronics Engineering Articles which includes the following categories Circuits and Networks Electrical Machines Electrical Power Engineering Electronics Engineering Electronic Communication Systems Electronic…

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Recent Trends in Electric Machines

Recent Trends in Electric Machines: Recent Trends in Electric Machines are neural networks, Artificial Intelligence, expert system, fibre communications and integrated electronics, hot superconductors and other new ceramic conducting and dielectric…

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Factors Affecting Air Conditioning System

Factors Affecting Air Conditioning System: In this modern age everybody is trying to improve his surroundings in order to make living conditions more comfortable. Air conditioning is one of the…

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Elemental Semiconductor Materials

Elemental Semiconductor Materials: Group IV includes five elements viz., Carbon (C), Silicon (Si), Germanium (Ge), Tin (Sn) and lead (Pb). The elements of this subgroup show marked similarity as well…

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Magnetic Circuit Analysis

Magnetic Circuit Analysis: Magnetic Circuit Analysis - The presence of charges in space or in a medium creates an electric field, similarly the flow of current in a conductor sets…

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Transformers Articles

Transformers Articles: How does a Transformer Work and Purpose of Transformer: How does a Transformer Work – A Transformer Circuit is a static device comprising coils coupled through a magnetic…

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