Turgo Turbine Working Principle

Turgo Turbine Working Principle: The Turgo turbine is an impulse water turbine designed for medium head applications. Operational Turgo Turbines achieve efficiencies of about 87%. It works with net heads…

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Components of Hydroelectric Power Plant

Components of Hydroelectric Power Plant: Components of Hydroelectric Power Plant (or) Hydel power plant are Reservoir Dam Trash rack Surge tank Fore bay Pen stock Spill way Power house Draft…

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What is Secondary Emission?

What is Secondary Emission? When a beam of high velocity electrons suddenly strikes a metallic surface, they give up their kinetic energy to electrons and atoms which they strike. Some…

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What is Capacitor in Electronics?

What is Capacitor in Electronics?: What is Capacitor in Electronics? - Capacitor is a two-terminal element that has the capability of charge storage and, consequently, energy storage. The stored energy…

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Components of Protection System

Components of Protection System: Some of the more commonly used Components of Protection System are Relays Circuit Breakers Tripping and Other Auxiliary Supplies Current Transformer (CT) Voltage Transformers (VT) Linear…

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Solid Dielectrics Used in Practice

Solid Dielectrics Used in Practice: The majority of the insulating systems used in practice are solids. They can be broadly classified into three groups: organic materials, inorganic materials and synthetic…

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Hydroelectric Power Station

Hydroelectric Power Station: A Generating station which utilizes the potential energy of water at a high level for the generation of electrical energy is known as a Hydroelectric Power Station Hydroelectric…

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