Characteristics of Electric Motors Articles:

A Simple Electric Motor : Variable speed drives in the industry employ a simple electric motor as their drive motors mainly because they enjoy several specific advantages, Characteristics of Electric Motors …

Braking of Induction Motor : The three types of Braking of Induction Motor, namely regenerative, dynamic and counter current braking can be accomplished with induction motors also. Regenerative braking When the rotor of an …

Braking of Synchronous Motor : The methods that are employed for Braking of Synchronous Motor are: Regenerative braking while operating on a variable frequency supply Rheostatic braking Plugging Regenerative braking When the motor operates as a variable …

Characteristics of DC Motor : DC Motors are of the rotating armature type. The armature winding is a closed winding through the commutator. The armature is supplied through the brushes which are …

Characteristics of Synchronous Motor : Characteristics of Synchronous Motor are constant speed motors. The speed of the motor is decided by the number of poles and frequency. Compared to an induction motor, …

Characteristics of Three Phase Induction Motor : The performance Characteristics of Three Phase Induction Motor can be de­rived using the approximate equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 1.20(a). In the circuit The phasor diagram …

DC Motor Electric Brakes : DC Motor Electric Brakes – While operating electrical drives it is often necessary to stop the motor quickly and also reverse it. Characteristics of Electric Motors …

DC Motor Speed Control : In the foregoing sections we discussed the torque-speed characteristics of dc motors, bringing out the effects of armature voltage variation and field current on them. The discussion …

Speed Torque Characteristic of DC Shunt Motor : The preceding discussion shows that armature voltage variation gives creeping speeds. The simple rheostatic method provides a Speed Torque Characteristic DC Shunt Motor with little …

Speed Torque Characteristic of Separately Excited DC Motor : The circuit equation of a Speed Torque Characteristic of Separately Excited DC Motor whose armature, having a total of Z con­ductors, is wound …

Speed Torque Characteristics of DC Compound Motor : A schematic of a Speed Torque Characteristics of DC Compound Motor is shown in Fig. 1.18. There are both series and shunt fields (separately …

Speed Torque Characteristics of Series Motor : The field winding is connected in series with the armature (Fig. 1.2(b)). The armature current and field current are the same. The Characteristics of Electric Motors …

Starting Method of Induction Motor : Transient processes involved with the Starting Method of Induction Motor in a variable speed drive require a detailed study. The electric motor and connected load accelerates …

Torque Speed Characteristics of Induction Motor : From Eq. 1.27 it can be observed that the maximum torque is independent of rotor resistance. However, the slip at which the maximum torque occurs …