Recursive and Non Recursive Realisation

Recursive and Non Recursive Realisation: In recursive realisations, the present output value depends on the input (past and present values), as well as the previous value of the output. It can usually be recognized by…

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CT Scan Working Principle

CT Scan Working Principle: CT Scan Working Principle - Biomedicine is one area in which the use of digital signal processing techniques had had great impact. Computer tomography A recent advance in diagnostic analysis is…

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Modern Radar Systems Analysis

Modern Radar Systems Analysis: Modern Radar System are of great importance for both military and civil applications. The main problem of a typical radar system is the detection of return pulses; this substantially corresponds to…

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Bandpass Analysis

Bandpass Analysis: There exist many practical situations in which multiple filtering and band pass analysis are required. In multiple filtering, one specific operation (for example low pass, high pass, band pass, etc.) is required to…

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Typical Digital Filtering Operations

Typical Digital Filtering Operations: Digital filters in fact can be applied in many different parts of a signal and image processing transmission system. Two typical examples of systems in which Typical Digital Filtering Operations can…

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Digital Filtering Processor

Digital Filtering Processor: The implementation of any digital filtering consists of a series of multiplications of samples of the input and/or output signals by constants, and of the additions of these products. Thus the main…

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IIR Filter Design

IIR Filter Design 1-D: In this section some practical considerations relating to the methods for the design of IIR Filter Design filters are presented. In particular, the bilinear transform is considered along with its application…

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IIR Digital Filter Design Methods

IIR Digital Filter Design Methods: IIR Digital Filter Design Methods - Fettveis first suggested the use of one port reflection coefficients for the tran­fer of analog filter properties from the analog domain to the digital…

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Fast Fourier Transform Formula

Fast Fourier Transform Formula: The Fast Fourier Transform Formula is a computational tool which facilitates signal analysis, such as power spectrum analysis and filter simulation using digital computers. In digital analysis of signals, the continuous…

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