Universal Relay Torque Equation Derivation

Universal Relay Torque Equation Derivation: Universal Relay Torque Equation - Most of the protection relays consist of some arrangement of electromagnets. These electromagnets have either current windings or voltage windings…

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Induction Relay Torque Equation

Induction Relay Torque Equation: In Induction Relay Torque Equation, Two magnetic fluxes Φ1 and Φ2 differing in time phase penetrate through a disc. These alternating fluxes induce emfs e1 and e2 in…

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Torque Equation of Motor Load System

Torque Equation of Motor Load System: A motor generally drives a load (machine) through some transmission system. While motor always rotates, the load may rotate or may undergo a translational…

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Torque Equation of DC Motor

Torque Equation of DC Motor: When dc voltage is applied to the armature of a dc motor with its field excited by dc, a torque is developed and the armature…

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Torque Equation of Synchronous Motor

Torque Equation of Synchronous Motor: Figure 5.36 shows a Torque Equation of Synchronous Motor with a round rotor. The rotor is initially stationary with fixed north-south poles created by dc…

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General Equation for Electromagnetic Relay

General Equation for Electromagnetic Relay: It has already been shown that when not more than two quantities are involved, the equation for the characteristic of the relay at the threshold…

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