Viscosity Unit
Viscosity Unit: Viscosity Unit is the property of a fluid which determines the amount of resistance to a shearing stress. A real fluid has no viscosity but it is nonÂexistent.…
Viscosity Unit: Viscosity Unit is the property of a fluid which determines the amount of resistance to a shearing stress. A real fluid has no viscosity but it is nonÂexistent.…
Fluid Properties Articles: Classification of Fluids : Classification of Fluids are as follows. Ideal fluids and Real or Practical fluids. Newtonian fluids and Non-Newtonian fluids. 1 .Ideal Fluids: Ideal fluids are…
Engineering Physics Interview Questions and Answers: 1. Define stress on a body. Ans. The internal force developed per unit area in the body during the application of external force or…
Use of Power Capacitor: In most of the industrial applications, the power requirements are reactive in nature and a lagging current is drawn from the power lines. This requires additional…
Characteristics of Liquid Dielectrics: Essential Characteristics of Liquid Dielectrics should possess good dielectric properties, excellent heat transfer characteristics and must be chemically stable under the range of conditions under which the…
Fluid Mechanics Articles: Capillarity Classification of Fluids Fundamental Units Definition Properties of Fluids Surface Tension Viscosity
Classification of Fluids: Classification of Fluids are as follows. Ideal fluids and Real or Practical fluids. Newtonian fluids and Non-Newtonian fluids. 1 .Ideal Fluids: Ideal fluids are having following properties. It…
Turbine Flow Meter Working Principle: Turbine Flow Meter Working Principle - The Turbine Flow Meter is used for the measurement of liquid gas and gases of very low flow rate.…