MOS Controlled Thyristor (MCT)

MOS Controlled Thyristor (MCT) | Symbol | Equivalent Circuit: An MOS Controlled Thyristor (MCT) is a thyristor-like trigger-into-conduction device that can be turned on or off by a short pulse…

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Thyristor Control of Motors

Thyristor Control of Motors: Thyristor Control of Motors - A variety of thyristor control circuitry has been devised for use in motor control depending upon the type of supply (ac/dc)…

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What is Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR)?

What is Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR)? | Construction and Working of SCR: What is Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR)? - This semiconductor switching device is also known as a thyristor. It…

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Motor Control Articles

Motor Control Articles: Motor Control by Static Power Converters: Motor Control by Static Power Converters – Power electronics is a multidisciplinary technology that encompasses power semiconductor devices, converter circuits, electric…

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