Digital Measurement of Frequency (Mains)
Digital Measurement of Frequency (Mains): Digital Measurement of Frequency (Mains) - The conventional method of measuring the frequency of an electrical signal consists of counting the number of cycles of…
Digital Measurement of Frequency (Mains): Digital Measurement of Frequency (Mains) - The conventional method of measuring the frequency of an electrical signal consists of counting the number of cycles of…
Digital Measurement of Time: Principle of Operation of Digital Measurement of Time - The beginning of the time period is the start pulse originating from input 1, and the end…
Digitally Controlled Frequency Synthesizers Interview Questions and Answers: 1. What is PLL? Ans. PLL is basically an electronic circuit that consists of a phase detector, a low-pass filter, a dc amplifier…
Electronic Instruments (Analog as well as Digital) Interview Questions and Answers: 1. Why ordinary voltmeter cannot be used in electronic circuits? Ans. A moving coil voltmeter draws a large current, hence…
Measurement of Physical Quantities: Measurement of Physical Quantities is given by Displacement Measurement Strain Measurement Force Measurement Torque Measurement Pressure Measurement Temperature Measurement Water-Level Indicator Measurement and Display of Speed…
Measurement of Electrical Quantities: Measurement of electrical quantities which includes Measurement of Voltage Measurement of Current Frequency Measurement Phase-Angle Measurement Power-Factor Measurement Impedance Measurement VA Measurement Power Measurement VAR Measurement…
Fully Automatic Digital Instrument: Fully Automatic Digital Instrument - A multimeter with automatic polarity indication, automatic zero correction and automatic ranging (of course coupled with automatic decimal point indication) only…
Working Principle of Digital pH Meter | Block Diagram: Working Principle of Digital pH Meter - The Digital Measurement of hydrogen ion activity (pH) in a solution can be accomplished…