PLC Hardware Components

PLC Hardware Components: 1. PLC Hardware Components - The input and output interface modules consists of an I/0 rack and individual I/O modules. Input interface modules, accept signals from the…

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Analog Electronics Process Controllers

Analog Electronics Process Controllers: An Analog Electronics Process Controllers must be capable of providing one or more of the three main methods of control, namely, Proportional, Integral and Derivative. The…

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Data Logger Operation

Data Logger Operation: Data Logger Operation - For proper understanding of a Data Logger Operation, it is essential to understand the difference between analog and digital signals. For example, measurement…

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Transistor Chopper Circuit

Transistor Chopper Circuit: Transistor Chopper Circuit - A single transistor used as a dynamic switch to convert low level dc signal to an ac waveform is shown in Fig. 14.34.…

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Pyrometer Working Principle

Pyrometer Working Principle: When temperature being measured is very high and physical contact with the medium to be measured is impossible or impractical, optical pyrometer based on the principle of…

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Thermocouple Connection

Thermocouple Connection: One of the most commonly used methods of measurement of moderately high temperature is the thermocouple effect. When a pair of wires made up of different metals is…

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What is a Temperature Transducer?

What is a Temperature Transducer?: Temperature Transducer is one of the most widely measured and controlled variable in industry, as a lot of products during manufacturing requires controlled temperature at…

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XY Recorder Working

XY Recorder Working: XY Recorder Working - In most research fields, it is often convenient to plot the instantaneous relationship between two variables [Y = f(x)], rather than to plot…

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