Trigger Pulse Generator Circuit

Trigger Pulse Generator Circuit: The Trigger Pulse Generator Circuit is activated by signals of a variety of shapes and amplitudes, which are converted to trigger pulses of uniform amplitude for…

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Triggering in Digital Electronics | Types

Triggering in Digital Electronics | Types: Triggering in Digital Electronics is the process of applying an external signal to induce transition from one state to another. The signal used for…

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Clock Generator 8284A

Clock Generator 8284A: During fetch and execute instructions, the 8086 and 8088 processors require clock pulse which has about 10 ns rise and fall times. The logic 0 level of…

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Impulse Voltage Test System

Impulse Voltage Test System: It is extremely difficult to control and adjust the Impulse Voltage Test System wave shapes for different load conditions as in the case of large capacitive…

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Cathode Ray Oscillograph for Impulse Measurements

Cathode Ray Oscillograph for Impulse Measurements: Modern Cathode Ray Oscillograph for Impulse Measurements are sealed tube, hot cathode oscilloscopes with photographic arrangement for recording the waveforms. The cathode ray oscilloscope for impulse…

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Tripping of Impulse Generators

Tripping of Impulse Generator: In large impulse generator, the spark gaps are generally sphere gaps or gaps formed by hemispherical electrodes. The gaps are arranged such that sparking of one…

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