OTA as Programmable Resistor, Grounded Resistor and Floating Resistor:

OTA as a Programmable Resistor: We may employ Ic OTA as a programmable resistor whose resistance is controlled by controlling current Ic.

We can define resistance, using Eq. (41.16)

OTA as a Programmable Resistor

Two OTAs can be employed to behave as programmable resistor, as shown in Fig. 41.6.

OTA as a Programmable Resistor

Now to derive expression for resistance consider first the OTA IC OT2.

For the other IC 3080 OT1 say,

OTA as a Programmable Resistor

Here Vin must be less than 20 mV and I0 < 400 μA.

OTA Circuit for Realization of a Grounded Resistor: Figure 41.7 shows an OTA circuit that realizes a grounded resistor with a value that can be controlled by current Ic.

OTA Circuit for Realization of a Grounded Resistor

The input impedance is

For frequencies low enough and parasitic resistances large enough, ZIN ≈ 1/gm.

If the input leads of the OTA are interchanged, the circuit yields a short circuit stable negative resistor with ZIN ≈ 1/gm.

OTA Circuit for Realization for a Floating Resistor: Figure 41.8 depicts a circuit that can realize a floating resistor.

OTA Circuit for Realization for a Floating Resistor

Using the ideal model and solving for I1 and I2, we have

and the circuit realizes a floating resistor of value 1/gm.

The two circuits shown in Figs. 41.7 and 41.8 permits the construction of active filters without the use of resistors. Thus, transconductance C filters can be realized and such filters are attractive for monolithic Ic realizations.

For active filters, adders (summers) and integrators are also required which are discussed in the forthcoming sections.