Darlington Transistor Working

Darlington Transistor Working: Darlington Transistors Working - A Darlington-connected transistor pair is shown in Fig. 11.6. The current gain of the power transistor can be considerably improved if the base…

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Darlington Connected Output Transistors

Darlington Connected Output Transistors: High-power transistors usually have low current gains, so relatively large base currents must flow into Q2 and Q3 to supply a high load current. This means…

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Difference Between Thyristor and Transistor

Difference Between Thyristor and Transistor: As already mentioned, transistors and thyristors are both semiconductor devices. They are now widely employed in switching operations because of their numerous advantages such as…

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Photodarlington Working

Photodarlington Working: The Photodarlington Working shown in (Fig. 20-33) consists of a phototransistor connected in Darlington arrangement with another transistor. This device is capable of producing much higher output currents…

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Transistor Buffer Circuit

Transistor Buffer Circuit: The Fig. 15.12 shows the Transistor Buffer Circuit. In these Transistor Buffer Circuit, transistor is used as a switch. It can be switch ON or OFF with…

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