Rectifier Control of DC Series Motor

Rectifier Control of DC Series Motor: Single-phase controlled Rectifier Control of DC Series Motor are employed in traction. A single-phase half-controlled Rectifier Control of DC Series Motor is shown in…

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Types of DC Motor

Types of DC Motor: The commonly used Types of DC Motor are shown in Fig. 5.1. In a separately excited motor, the field and armature voltages can be controlled independent…

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Commutation in DC Motor

Commutation in DC Motor: Commutation and commutator wear and tear of the dc motor must be given due consideration when the motor operates on solid state converters. Spark-less commutation must…

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Speed Torque Characteristic of DC Shunt Motor

Speed Torque Characteristic DC Shunt Motor: The preceding discussion shows that armature voltage variation gives creeping speeds. The simple rheostatic method provides a Speed Torque Characteristic DC Shunt Motor with…

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AC Series Motor

AC Series Motor: A series motor can be run from either dc or ac (single-phase) supply provided that both stator and rotor cores are laminated to limit the iron-loss. Figure…

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What is Synchronous Motor

What is Synchronous Motor | Construction | Advantages: A synchronous Motor is one of the important types of electric machines; in fact all generating machines at power stations are of…

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