Turbine Flow Meter Working Principle

Turbine Flow Meter Working Principle: Turbine Flow Meter Working Principle - The Turbine Flow Meter is used for the measurement of liquid gas and gases of very low flow rate.…

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Turgo Turbine Working Principle

Turgo Turbine Working Principle: The Turgo turbine is an impulse water turbine designed for medium head applications. Operational Turgo Turbines achieve efficiencies of about 87%. It works with net heads…

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Selection of Hydraulic Turbines

Selection of Hydraulic Turbines: It is very important to select the type of Hydraulic turbine which will give maximum possible efficiency. The Selection of Hydraulic Turbines always match specific conditions…

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Classification of Hydraulic Turbines

Classification of Hydraulic Turbines: The important classification of hydraulic turbines are: 1. According to the type of energy Impulse turbine, and Reaction turbine If the energy available at the inlet…

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Transducers Articles

Transducers Articles: Electrical Transducer: A transducer is defined as a device that receives energy from one system and transmits it to another, often in a different form. Broadly defined, the…

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Electronic Instrumentation Articles

Electronic Instrumentation Articles: This Electronic Instrumentation Articles which includes the following topics: Introduction to Electronics Instrumentation Static Characteristics of Measuring Instruments Errors in Measurement Types of Static Error and Sources…

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Power from Renewable Energy Articles

Power from Renewable Energy Articles: Hydel Power Plant – Definition, Working Principle and Advantages: Power of water – Hydel Power Plant is a clean and cheap source of energy. The…

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