Generation of High Voltage and Currents Articles

Generation of High Voltage and Currents Articles: Different Types of High Voltages: In the fields of electrical engineering and applied physics, Different Types of High Voltages (d.c., a.c,, and impulse)…

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High Voltage Testing of Surge Arrester

High Voltage Testing of Surge Arrester: In modern practices, surge arrester or lightning arresters are the most reliable apparatus to protect the power system against transient voltages due to lightning…

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Selection of Surge Arresters

Selection of Surge Arresters: These are non-linear resistors in series with spark gaps which act as fast switches. A Selection of Surge Arresters or lightning arrester is shown in Fig.…

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Switching Surges in Transmission Line

Switching Surges in Transmission Line: Till the time when the transmission voltages were about 220 kV and below, over-voltages due to lightning were of very high order and overvoltages generated…

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Generation of Switching Surges

Generation of Switching Surges: Nowadays in extra high voltage transmission lines and power systems, switching surges is an important factor that affects the design of insulation. All transmission lines rated…

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