Node Voltage Method

Node Voltage Method: The node voltage method can also be used with networks containing complex impedances and excited by sinusoidal voltage sources. In general, in an N node network, we…

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Voltage to Current Converter Circuit

Voltage to Current Converter Circuit: Occasionally in industrial electronics, it is necessary to provide a current proportional to certain voltage, even though the load impedance may vary. A circuit which…

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Voltage Shunt Feedback Amplifier Circuit

Voltage Shunt Feedback Amplifier Circuit: Voltage Shunt Feedback Amplifier Circuit is also known as shunt-derived shunt fed feedback or voltage shunt inverse feedback. Here, a small portion of the output…

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Voltage Multiplier Circuits

Voltage Multiplier Circuits: Cascaded Voltage Multiplier Circuits for higher voltages are cumbersome and require too many supply and isolating transformers. It is possible to generate very high d.c. voltages from…

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Supernode Analysis

Supernode Analysis: Suppose any of the branches in the network has a voltage source, then it is slightly difficult to apply nodal analysis. One way to overcome this difficulty is…

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Voltage Stability Analysis

Voltage Stability Analysis: The voltage stability analysis for a given system state involves examining following two aspects. Proximity to voltage instability: Distance to instability may be measured in terms of…

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Node Elimination Technique in Power System

Node Elimination Technique in Power System: In stability studies, it has been indicated that the buses to be considered are those which are excited by the internal machine voltages (transient…

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