Magnetic Type Potential Transformer
Magnetic Type Potential Transformer: Magnetic Type Potential Transformer are the oldest devices for a.c, measurements. They are simple in construction and can be designed for any voltage. For very high…
Magnetic Type Potential Transformer: Magnetic Type Potential Transformer are the oldest devices for a.c, measurements. They are simple in construction and can be designed for any voltage. For very high…
Instrument Transformers - Definition, Types and Errors: AC type protective relays are actuated by current and voltage supplied by current and potential (or voltage) transformers, known as instrument transformers. The…
Transformers Articles: How does a Transformer Work and Purpose of Transformer: How does a Transformer Work – A Transformer Circuit is a static device comprising coils coupled through a magnetic…
Induction Type Directional Power Relay: This Induction Type Directional Power Relay operates when power in the circuit flows in a specific direction Unlike a non-directional overcurrent relay, a directional power…
Measurement of High Voltage and Currents Articles: Series Resistance Microammeter: High d.c. voltages are usually measured by connecting a very high resistance (few hundreds of megaohms) in Series Resistance Microammeter…
High Voltage Engineering Articles: This High Voltage Engineering Articles which includes the following topics: Electric Field Stress Breakdown in Liquid Dielectrics Solid Dielectric Materials and Composites Materials Electric Stress Control…
Interference in Telecommunication Circuit in Electric Traction: In all traction systems track is used as a return path for the current. Some part of the current flows through the track…
Fluorescent Tube - Definition, Construction, Working, Merits and Demerits: Fluorescent lighting has a great advantage over other light sources in many applications. The tubes can be obtained in a variety…