Galvanometer Type Recorder

Galvanometer Type Recorder: The D'Arsonval movement used in moving coil indicating instruments can also provide the movement in a Galvanometer Type Recorder. The D'Arsonval movement consists of a moving coil…

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Recorders in Electronic Instrumentation Articles

Recorders in Electronic Instrumentation Articles: Definition of Recorder: A recorder is a measuring instrument that displays a time-varying signal in a form easy to examine, even after the original signal…

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Null Type Recorder Working Principle

Null Type Recorder: These Null Type Recorder Working Principle of self-balancing or null conditions. When an input is given to the measuring circuit of the recorder from a sensor or transducer,…

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Strip Chart Recorder Working Principle

Strip Chart Recorder Working Principle: Strip Chart Recorder Working Principle are those in which data is recorded on a continuous roll of chart paper moving at a constant speed. The…

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Definition of Recorder

Definition of Recorder: Definition of Recorder - A recorder is a measuring instrument that displays a time-varying signal in a form easy to examine, even after the original signal has ceased…

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Electronic Instrumentation Articles

Electronic Instrumentation Articles: This Electronic Instrumentation Articles which includes the following topics: Introduction to Electronics Instrumentation Static Characteristics of Measuring Instruments Errors in Measurement Types of Static Error and Sources…

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AC Wheatstone Bridge

AC Wheatstone Bridge: Impedances at AF or RF are commonly determined by means of an ac Wheatstone bridge. The diagram of an ac bridge is given in Fig. 11.17. This…

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Platinum Resistance Thermometer

Platinum Resistance Thermometer: Platinum Resistance Thermometer - The resistance of a conductor changes when its temperature is changed. This property is used for measurement of temperature. The Resistance Thermometer uses…

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