Fully Automatic Digital Instrument

Fully Automatic Digital Instrument: Fully Automatic Digital Instrument - A multimeter with automatic polarity indication, automatic zero correction and automatic ranging (of course coupled with automatic decimal point indication) only…

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DAC0830 Digital to Analog Converter

DAC0830 Digital to Analog Converter: The DAC0830 Digital to Analog Converter is an advanced CMOS 8-bit DAC designed to interface directly with the 8080, 8048, 8085, Z80, and other popular…

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Gate Firing Converters

Gate Firing Converters: The firing pulse control unit constitutes the heart of any thyristor power con­verter. The Gate Firing Converters required by the thyristors are often derived from the digital…

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What is Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO)?

What is Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO)?: Digital Storage Oscilloscope are available in processing and non-processing types. Processing types include built in computing power, which takes advantage of the fact that…

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Working Principle of Digital Multimeter

Working Principle of Digital Multimeter: Analog meters require no power supply, they give a better visual indication of changes and suffer less from electric noise and isolation problems. These meters…

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What is a Digital Instrument?

What is a Digital Instrument?: Digital instrument are rapidly replacing their analog counterparts. The parameters of interest in a laboratory environment are (i) voltage (ii) current (iii) power (iv) frequency,…

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