Uniform Field Electrode Gaps

Uniform Field Electrode Gaps: Sphere gaps, although widely used for voltage measurements, have only limited range with Uniform Field Electrode Gaps. Hence, it is not possible to ensure that the…

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Switching Surges in Transmission Line

Switching Surges in Transmission Line: Till the time when the transmission voltages were about 220 kV and below, over-voltages due to lightning were of very high order and overvoltages generated…

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Tripping of Impulse Generators

Tripping of Impulse Generator: In large impulse generator, the spark gaps are generally sphere gaps or gaps formed by hemispherical electrodes. The gaps are arranged such that sparking of one…

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Compensating Winding in DC Machine

Compensating Winding in DC Machine: Compensating Winding in DC Machine - It was seen from earlier section, that armature reaction causes the flux density wave to be so badly distorted…

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