Double Stub Matching

Double Stub Matching: If a transmission-line matching device is to be useful in a range of different matching situations, it must have as many variable parameters, or degrees of freedom,…

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Smith Chart for Transmission Line

Smith Chart for Transmission Line: The various properties of transmission lines may be represented graphically on any of a large number of charts. The most useful representations are those that…

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Generation of Frequency Modulation

Generation of Frequency Modulation: The Generation of Frequency Modulation system is a variable output frequency, with the variation proportional to the instantaneous amplitude of the modulating voltage. The subsidiary requirements…

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Single Sideband Techniques Articles

Single Sideband Techniques Articles: Single Sideband: A brief, if not oversimplified, explanation of Single Sideband will help in understanding the transmission process. To begin, we must review some basic transmission…

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Single Sideband

Single Sideband: A brief, if not oversimplified, explanation of Single Sideband will help in understanding the transmission process. To begin, we must review some basic transmission processes. The physical length…

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Generation of Amplitude Modulation

Generation of Amplitude Modulation: There are two types of devices in which it may be necessary to the Generation of Amplitude Modulation. The first of these, the AM transmitter, generates…

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Generation of Switching Surges

Generation of Switching Surges: Nowadays in extra high voltage transmission lines and power systems, switching surges is an important factor that affects the design of insulation. All transmission lines rated…

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Resonant Transformers

Resonant Transformers: The equivalent circuit of a high voltage testing Resonant Transformers consists of the leakage reactance of the windings, the winding resistances, the magnetizing reactance, and the shunt capacitance…

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