Electrical Energy in Power System Articles:

Different Types of Energy Sources : Since electrical energy is produced from energy available in various forms in nature, it is desirable to look into Different Types of Energy Sources. These Energy Sources are : The Sun The Wind Water Fuels Nuclear energy Out of these sources, the energy due to Sun and wind has not been utilized on large scale due to a number of limitations. At present, the other three sources viz., water, fuels and nuclear energy are primarily used for the generation of electrical energy. 1. The Sun: The Sun is the primary source of energy. The heat energy radiated by the Sun can be focused …

Electrical Energy : Electrical Energy – Energy is the basic necessity for the economic development of a country. Many functions necessary to present-day living grind to halt when the supply of energy stops. It is practically impossible to estimate the actual magnitude of the part that energy has played in the building up of present-day civilisation. The availability of huge amount of energy in the modern times has resulted in a shorter working day, higher agricultural and in­dustrial production, a healthier and more balanced diet and better transportation facilities. As a matter of fact, there is a close relationship be­tween the energy …

Energy Efficiency Definition : Energy Efficiency is available in various forms from different natural sources such as pressure head of water, chemical energy of fuels, nuclear energy of radioactive substances etc. All these forms of energy can be converted into electrical energy by the use of suitable arrangement. In this process of conversion, some energy is lost in the sense that it is converted to a form different from electrical energy. Therefore, the output energy is less than the input energy. Energy Efficiency Definition is given by The output energy divided by the input energy is called energy efficiency or simply efficiency of …

Unit of Energy : Unit of Energy | Fundamentals of Energy: The capacity of an agent to do work is known as its energy. The most important forms of Unit of Energy are Mechanical energy, Electrical energy and Thermal energy. Different units have been assigned to various forms of energy. However, it must be realized that since mechanical, electrical and thermal energies are interchangeable, it is possible to assign the same unit to them. 1. Mechanical energy: The unit of mechanical energy is newton-metre or joule on the M.K.S. or SI system. The work done on a body is one newton-metre (or joule) if a force of one newton …