Luminescence – Definition and Types

Luminescence - Definition and Types: When a system absorbs energy in some form or other, it may be partly re-emitted as radiation. This phenomenon is called luminescence. Luminescence may occur in solids (crystals or glasses)…

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Photon Absorption Coefficient

Photon Absorption Coefficient: Photon Absorption Coefficient - When light falls on a semiconductor, the photons may be absorbed or they may propagate through the semiconductor depending on the photon energy (E) and the band gap…

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What is Wave Particle Duality?

What is Wave Particle Duality? Since waves exhibit particle-like behavior, then the particles also should exhibit wave—like properties. This theory (de Broglie) is based on the existence of a wave particle duality principle. The momentum…

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What is Photoelectric Effect?

What is Photoelectric Effect?: When monochromatic light is incident on a clean surface of a material, then under certain conditions, electrons, also called photoelectrons, are emitted from the surface. The electrons in the metal absorb…

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