Interrupt Priority in 8086

Interrupt Priority in 8086: As far as the Interrupt Priority in 8086 are concerned, software interrupts (All interrupts except single step, NMI and INTR interrupts) have the highest priority, followed by NMI followed by INTR.…

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8086 Interrupt Types

8086 Interrupt Types: TheĀ 8086 Interrupt Types are Dedicated Interrupts: Type 0 : Divide by Zero Interrupt When the quotient from either a DIV or IDIV instruction is too large to fit in the result register;…

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Interrupt Structure of 8086

Interrupt Structure of 8086: An Interrupt Structure of 8086 can come from any one the three sources : External signal Special Instruction in the program Condition produced by instruction External Signal (Hardware Interrupt): An 8086…

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